DPCA votes overwhelmingly NOT to support the 7330 Ridge Avenue proposal 
 At the October 16 meeting of DPCA, a vote was taken by DPCA on the proposal by Terra Firma 7330 Ridge LLC to build 12 single family houses and 12 accessory parking spaces on the lot at 7330 Ridge Avenue.  DPCA members voted overwhelmingly NOT to support the project. 
Dearnley Park residents still have concerns about density, the close spacing ( 8' to 10 ') of the units,  parking, traffic circulation, vehicular access and especially  emergency vehicle access. The Planned Unit Development / HOA, non-union contractors and sub-standard wages, muddy streets from construction vehicles, trash collection, landscaping, tree removal, window design, water runoff, the cost of the units ( $700,000 + ) and middle-class access to housing in Roxborough, the integration of a cul-de-sac or turn-around within the development, and the Installation of a ‘right turn only’ sign at the central access road in the development were also part of the reason for us to vote not to support the project.  As the governing civic, DPCA’s opposition to the Terra Firma LLC proposal will be included at the ZBA resumptive hearing on December 17

If you oppose this proposal, for the above reasons
( too dense , poor traffic circulation that will be threat to public safety) , please send letters to the ZBA at rcozba@phila.gov  . The new deadline will be a date in January , to be announced ( three days before the continued hearing ).